Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where we've been for the last four days

Look at how green everything is! Nature was seriously calling us. and we came running.. right into a snakes nest! Here we are hiking the Greenbelt and taking a break from the heat to go swimming for the first time this summer.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Coyle- Zii Munny Hunny

Since Coyle has been down in Austin I got to see some pretty great Munny collaborations.  This is the Coyle-Zii Munny collab. There are some talented ladies popping up in this glass industry. I have the privilege of working in the same shop as Zii, who began blowing glass in LA not too long ago. I can't wait to show you more of her work!


[British Artist Andy Goldsworthy is a master of ephemeral work, capturing the beauty of nature and tempering it with the fleeting nature of all organic things. Each one of his works is a collaboration with nature, and with each piece he strives to gain a closer understand of nature through these intimate interactions. Using his hands and “found tools,” Goldsworthy’s work is a celebration of the world outside the buildings that humans spend their lives inside. His photographs capture the sculpture moments after they are complete, afterwards the sculptures live on changing with the wind, rain and elements until it ceases to exist as Goldsworthy shaped it.
Such is the nature of the Woolly Pocket. Woolly Pocket allows the urban dweller to manipulate nature and incorporate plants into formerly inhospitable territory. Woolly Pocket can take over a wall, fence, living room or any structure and make you the sculptor of your surroundings. Our favorite aspect of Woolly Pocket is theirWoolly School Gardens project that connect schools looking to start a garden with community members looking to support their efforts. Help kids get their hands dirty by visiting Wolly School Garden and find a school near you to sponsor.] (via.)

A Brief History of John Baldessari

A Brief History of John Baldessari
[The epic life of a world-class artist, jammed into six minutes.
Narrated by Tom Waits.
Commissioned by LACMA for their first annual "Art + Film Gala" honoring John Baldessari and Clint Eastwood.]


Brace face

Bracelets via tumblr.